Something New...and Old


I’m not someone who is completely fascinated with the royals. I appreciate the stories and the history, but I also think that the system is outdated (we could probably all find things that are outdated about current regimes!)

But the love store of Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip, its early origins (she first met him when she was 13)…it’s THEIR story. And her final show of love to him was a note placed on his casket. How do you tell your own stories, or show your love for someone?

Up until relevantly recently, as in the time we’ve inhabited this earth, stories were written, either through pictures on cave walls, or through handwritten letters, handwritten diaries, and handwritten books. Handwritten. No texting, no emails.

I’m the product of two grandmothers and a mother who wrote lovely letters to me. While I was living at home, when I was at summer camp…but also while in college, after I married…and I married into a family where my mother-in-law spent all her days writing and sending handwritten notes to friends and family.

Are handwritten letters and notes becoming a lost art?

I truly hope not. And if there is anything we can do on our part to keep that written word alive, I say we all pitch in and join the effort.

They say that, never before have we as a globe been more connected. Through social media, texting, news in a flash…you name it. But think about that. Connected? Or just informed?

I was helping a friend with her organizing and uncovered her humongous stash of stationery & cards. Truly my kindred spirit here as I have a mountain of stationery collected over the years, too. But I also found letters that we’d written to each other in past decades (we’ve been friends since elementary school), and it was just…wonderful.

Why am I going on and on about this? Well we have some news and although we’re not ready to spill all the beans, we are saying that SCOUT will have a little sister.

Stay tuned. And pick up a pen, why don’t ya?!


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Mushrooms 101: From growing them on your kitchen counter to hunting your own.


Introducing: No. 12 Bousval